Take the Challenge

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Time to get serious! 2016 is coming!!

Gaaahhh!! Its almost that time again, JANUARY FIRST!! Where did this year go??

I remember the first day I joined my first challenge group, it was a Summer Slimdown group, I had extra baby weight to lose (10 months post baby).
Going to the gym wasn't happening for me, I was still stopping at McDonalds at least 5 times a week... So there went any results I would have gotten. I needed something more convenient and with a better focus on my eating habits.

I hated the taste of Shakeology when I got it (I got the last batch before they redid the flavors), but I hate the taste of protein shakes, so I kept at it, I knew the HEALTH benefits outweighed the taste.

My husband resented the bland food he ate for dinner (thank you TBB and 21 Day Fix, I have learned to make yummy healthy food--even my kids eat it).

I have access to working out all the time, so if my kids nap, I can squeeze it in, and its choreographed WORLD CLASS workouts!

And best of all, I can use it time and time again, like after my 3rd baby ��

I've learned something while on this new journey...
There are 3 types of people:
Those who MAKE things happen.
Those who WATCH things happen.
Those who WONDER what happened.

It would have been easy to sit and make an excuse, after all I had 3 babies, but instead of sitting on March 31st WONDERING what happened, or WATCHING others make things happen for themselves. I used my baby for weights, I paused the DVD to take care of my kids... but I DIDN'T stop! I was the only person that could MAKE this happen for me!!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Hey guys I wanted to share this with you all.

I came across this picture, and when I took it, over 2 years ago... I didn't think much of it (other than... Go bug your dad).
But it got me thinking. The reason I started Beachbody and coaching in the first place, was because of them......
* I knew getting to the gym would be impossible, I would have to go when they were sleeping or    take them all with, which is a task in itself (you know what I mean).
* I knew eventually I could stay home with my kids and quit my full time job. (BEST MOTIVATION EVER)
* I knew that for my kids to learn to eat healthy and stay active, I was going to have to do the same.

Have I been perfect over the past 2 years?

Absolutely not!
* I've gone weeks without a workout, feeling sorry for myself.
* I haven't hit as many goals as I have wanted to at this point for my business.
* Im nowhere near my goal body now that I want to be, and it gets defeating... I find myself getting frustrated that I'm not there (Im human)

But I haven't quit!
I look at this picture taken over 2 years ago when I did my first program P90X, and the picture I took last week during my workout with my kids still joining in...
And that to me is success.
Because as many times as I have felt like quitting and throwing in the towel, I DIDNT.
On the weeks when I stopped and had pity parties for myself, I GOT BACK UP.

Are you still staying true to the reason you started? Or have you thrown in the towel?

If you've thrown in towel, pick it up and save it to wipe the sweat from your next workout...
Because you ARE NOT a quitter!!!